
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Ann Sloan Paint Makeover

I think I may be obsessed. I can't believe how much I can paint with one can of chalk paint! It's awesome! Every time I re-do a piece, I always tell myself "this is the best makeover yet." To me, that means my painting technique is getting better and better : ) Love it!
I have this small desk that I thought would fit in my new place. I was wrong. I did not notice that I am a potential hoarder of all awesome vintage furniture and things....but that's just me :)
Here is the before and after:
I'm showing the AFTER firsts because the before was just awful
Material: Leftover Ann Sloan Paint "Duck Egg"
Small paint brush
Music : )

The terrible!
Have a wonderful Friday!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Check out these fun Linky Parties!

Hey Everyone! Be sure to check out these awesome blogs to see some great creativity through some linky parties!

Decorating Inspiration with Old and New

Good Morning!
I am so happy to finally have my Internet up and running and able to download pics like a normal blogger again :  )
Before I even moved to my new apartment, I was already thinking of how I was going to decorate....I mean...that is the reason why I move so much...just another excuse to try something new : )
I incorporated my old stuff with a few new things and was so excited with what I saw! I definitely have a masculine touch when it comes to design, but I love it and it gives me a feeling of comfort.

White pitcher - Goodwill
Globe- Goodwill
Burlap- Haven Conference giveaway
Blue Patterned fabric- Haven Conference giveaway
Pillows- brought with me from old place...Homegoods
Tarnished Silver- Brimfield
Lamp and Red Lampshade - Goodwill
Scarf- Gift from Scottland : )
Faux Plant- Homegoods
Cowhide - Local Thrift Store

I found this calendar in the garbage in my apartment in Montclair. Def. going to make some art work out of these cool maps!
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Small Place Storage: Desk Solution

Ok, I am really using every crevice in this new place for storage!
I use office supplies often..especially with my last semester of school coming up (thank god!)
Here is the bird bath that you have seen used 100 different ways already like Infamous Tier Thingy
It was time to put the bird bath to use again. Threw a few of my favorite tarnished silver pieces on the bottom tier and loved the look.
Now, I have new storage for my office supplies :) Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 26, 2013

A hint of fall

Happy Monday!
Over the weekend, I tried my best to begin some sort of organization in my new "home." When it comes to this small space, I have to "think outside of the box." You know about my recent end table makeover here Ann Sloan End Tables/ MMS Antq Wax but unfortunately, the tables are too big with the stuff that I already have. So, I got creative. I had no where to put the burlap chair I just finished at Perfectly Imperfect. I only needed a place to put my coffee in the morning and did not want a big table that I can keep piling bills and paper on...
An extra chair
An extra wood tray
A hint of fall
The perfect side table for me : )

Friday, August 23, 2013

Storage in Small Places

When you live in a small space, you must get creative on making use of every type of possible storage solutions.
Although I am still living in a small chaos, unpacking, and decorating, I am making use of everything that has an opening or an inside. I wanted to try to find a home for everything I own before I had to go buy any ugly plastic storage....sorry....but I hate plastic storage!
Here are three ways I made use of small items for some storage.

Every piece has a second purpose : )
Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Sofa/End Table Makeover

It's raining and I am in furniture heaven!!
I ordered my first sofa ever and am pretty shocked with what I chose. I went with a modern look that was the perfect size for my new place. The most important feature is that it folds down into a sleeper sofa. My new home is tiny and need to make multiple uses of everything in the room, so a sleeper sofa was a must!
This awesome sofa is from Can't wait until it arrives!

Next....on to the end table makeover!
I was so excited to finally use the distressing techniques I learned at the Haven Conference. I have never bought or used Ann Sloan paint before so I was beyond excited to see the end result.

Before (cell shot...sorry about the clarity )
Duck Egg Blue with Miss Mustard Seed Antique Wax

Partying over at The Dedicated House

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Sneak Peak of THE MOVE : )

Happy Friday! Been a busy week moving from NJ to NY, but completely awesome! Me, being the most impatient person in the world, wants my place done and decorated within the first day of living in NY..but I need to be realistic and learn some patience. I am proud of the progress and am really falling in love with my tiny new "home." Here is a sneak peak at what the new place looks like right now. Just trying to organize and eventually decorate to its full potential : )

Couch not in until next week....this will have to work until then.
Working with cell phone shots here. : )

At least you get the feel.

The $2 thrift store pitcher : )

Enjoy the weekend! Keep you posted.

Monday, August 12, 2013

More Haven

Good Morning!
I know I have already drooled over the painting class at Haven, but I wanted to share more pictures of the experience with you. The conference was so well thought out and filled with creativity. The friendships that I made will last forever and I could not be more grateful for this experience.
Grand Hyatt: Buckhead, Georgia

View from room : )

The flowers were just beautiful

Home Depot Booth

Ballard Design

All the bloggers signed away

Ballard Design

The food was just way too good for words!

Look at the girls at work! : )

Hope you enjoyed! Can't wait for next year!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend the Haven Conference in Georgia on August 1. I was so excited to meet new and old friends through blogging and could not wait to learn! I was on creative brain overload for days and still think I am after all the fascinating stuff I learned. I cannot wait to share everything with you, but wanted you to see my MOST FAVORITE LESSON!!!!! I had the chance to meet Marian of Miss Mustard who I have admired for a while now. Her work is just fabulous and I have learned so much through her site. Anyways, I got to take an "Advanced Painting" class at Haven where we learned different finishes to add a distressed look to wood. I left the class glowing with ideas and could not wait to get home and start some projects! I am just waiting on my new chalk paint arrival and am ready to get DISTRESSED!

The Afters....I am obsessed!

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Past Nine Months of Happiness / Moving

I recently learned that as a must be ready to be openly share their life stories with their readers. So, I am taking this advice and wanted to share my past nine months of happiness.

I moved to Montclair, NJ nine months ago not knowing what to expect living alone. I saw the building that I am living at now on and knew this was the building for me. Old, full of character, great city, and somewhat affordable. I was ready to be free and happy and I knew this was where my peace would begin.

I met people, friends, neighbors that have influenced my life in such a positive way. It amazes me how people enter your life with similar situations that help you understand reality. God has a funny way of working....

I have learned more about myself in these past months than the last almost 31 years. I can get through anything I put my mind to, I feel healthier than I ever have, and my creative side is finally showing through this blog. Life is good

With this said, it is now time to move again. Montclair was amazing and the perfect place to find myself again. Nyack, NY will be my new home next week. I think I am just finding excuses to move every few months just so I can decorate. : )
My current "home"

Front entrance.....Nyack pics to follow : )

Andre's new bestie.....Ben. Best neighbor ever : )

Not really the past nine months....but proud of my improvements over the last year : )

Saw this on Pinterest and just seemed fitting for this post : )

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Another act of "Goodwill"

Happy Wednesday!
I took a recent trip to a local Goodwill and found some thrifty finds that I could not pass up. My favorite find was an old beat up globe...that does not even have a stand...for $2.99. I am always on the go..traveling to new places...and have always wanted to map out where I have been. I think some DIY small flags to map my travels would be so much fun! Project in the works : )
My shopping trip totaled about $12 and brought me more joy than buying a designer handbag. Something has got to be wrong with me! : )
I can't wait to show you the end product of my ideas for these purchases!