
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Another act of "Goodwill"

Happy Wednesday!
I took a recent trip to a local Goodwill and found some thrifty finds that I could not pass up. My favorite find was an old beat up globe...that does not even have a stand...for $2.99. I am always on the go..traveling to new places...and have always wanted to map out where I have been. I think some DIY small flags to map my travels would be so much fun! Project in the works : )
My shopping trip totaled about $12 and brought me more joy than buying a designer handbag. Something has got to be wrong with me! : )
I can't wait to show you the end product of my ideas for these purchases!


  1. I have a black globe too - what a find! Your project sounds amazing - can't wait to see it!

  2. I have been looking for a globe like that for years. I saw a bowl made out of one hemisphere and have always wanted to try it. I guess I need to go to Goodwill more frequently.

    Have fun creating.

    1. I would be more than happy to give you this globe if it is what you have been looking for? :)

  3. Hey Alison! So glad we met at Haven and thanks for checking out my blog. I'm loving yours! I am also LOVING that globe. Any globe purchase is a good purchase. I'm kind of starting a collection of them by accident, just because I can't say no. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  4. Thank you Megan! I really think I'm becoming a hoarder of just awesome stuff! Lol
