
Friday, August 9, 2013

The Past Nine Months of Happiness / Moving

I recently learned that as a must be ready to be openly share their life stories with their readers. So, I am taking this advice and wanted to share my past nine months of happiness.

I moved to Montclair, NJ nine months ago not knowing what to expect living alone. I saw the building that I am living at now on and knew this was the building for me. Old, full of character, great city, and somewhat affordable. I was ready to be free and happy and I knew this was where my peace would begin.

I met people, friends, neighbors that have influenced my life in such a positive way. It amazes me how people enter your life with similar situations that help you understand reality. God has a funny way of working....

I have learned more about myself in these past months than the last almost 31 years. I can get through anything I put my mind to, I feel healthier than I ever have, and my creative side is finally showing through this blog. Life is good

With this said, it is now time to move again. Montclair was amazing and the perfect place to find myself again. Nyack, NY will be my new home next week. I think I am just finding excuses to move every few months just so I can decorate. : )
My current "home"

Front entrance.....Nyack pics to follow : )

Andre's new bestie.....Ben. Best neighbor ever : )

Not really the past nine months....but proud of my improvements over the last year : )

Saw this on Pinterest and just seemed fitting for this post : )


  1. You look beautiful! I am going to miss you being so close to home <3

  2. Looking good friend! Good luck with your move; can't wait to see the new place - your current building is gorgeous.

  3. Thanks love! Pictures to follow!

  4. You look GORGEOUS!!

    If you remember, I'm over the bridge in Westchester. Would love to get a group together in our area. Do you think there's enough of us to make a go?

  5. Thank you very much : )
    Yes, let's do it! Who cares if it is not a big group! We can go!! : )
    I am moving this week but will reach out to you in the next few to set something up!
    Enjoy the day,

  6. Good luck with the move! I can't wait to see what you do with the new place!

  7. Thank you! I can't wait to be settled!
