
Friday, August 16, 2013

A Sneak Peak of THE MOVE : )

Happy Friday! Been a busy week moving from NJ to NY, but completely awesome! Me, being the most impatient person in the world, wants my place done and decorated within the first day of living in NY..but I need to be realistic and learn some patience. I am proud of the progress and am really falling in love with my tiny new "home." Here is a sneak peak at what the new place looks like right now. Just trying to organize and eventually decorate to its full potential : )

Couch not in until next week....this will have to work until then.
Working with cell phone shots here. : )

At least you get the feel.

The $2 thrift store pitcher : )

Enjoy the weekend! Keep you posted.


  1. Alison,

    I LOVE NYC! I would move there in a second! I know your apartment will be amazing!

    Happy day!

  2. Thanks Karianne! Your pretty little self can visit anytime! Thank you for the valuable lessons learned at Haven!
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. That blue buffet table is wonderful. I am looking for something for our entry way and that would be perfect.

    How fun to be living in New York. Who cares if it is small if you make it you!

  4. You are so right! Thank you : )
    I bought the blue buffet at a store by me called Papyrus. I am not sure if they are a chain but have beautiful stuff. I bought it years I would have totally made one! Have an amazing day!
