
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Nyack Street Fair Recap & Beautiful Lessons Learned

Never did I expect the unbelievable turnout at the Nyack Street Fair on July 13! When I first had the guts to apply as a vendor, I knew the amount of people that attend this event, because I am one of them every street fair. I knew it was filled with tons of jewelry vendors and knew it would be a great opportunity to show something different....vintage finds and rustic distressed furniture, but would everyone think the same way I did?

By 6:30 am...the day already felt long. My poor fiancé took on the enormous job of lugging the furniture down to the car to unload at our location on the street. Since this was my first time as a vendor, I decided it would be best to only bring a few pieces, not too large, as a trial. Plus, we only lived a street away from our location, so what did we really have to lose?

Up we went with our tent and the small furniture pieces and a few vintage finds all started to fit together. I had set up a mock display a few days prior to the event to see how I wanted things arranged. It came to me quicker than I expected. I put myself in a "shopper's shoes." What would I want to see if I was shopping for furniture? (which is like EVERYDAY!)

I had two banners created with the SoiledRotten logo and also made some bunting with leftover fabric and burlap. Within twenty minutes, the tent was set up, I was satisfied, and so grateful to be a part of the busy event.

I was ready to accept all, if anything, that the day would bring my way. I thought that the worse case scenario would be if no one was interested in my product then I would sit with Joe and people watch all day. Luckily, that was not the case. My first purchase of a vintage globe started at the initial hour that the fair was open to the public. Not only did the purchase get me even more excited to see what the day brings, but the lovely ladies that said they were so excited to see something than "the same 'ol crap" made my day! Happily, they were not the only customers with those types of comments.

I felt BLESSED. Many fair attendees admired my work. They were so kind to offer compliments on my furniture and be interested in the stories behind the old vintage finds. The insight that the customers gave or the complimentary passer-by-ers gave were more valuable than any purchase that could have been made. This beyond boosted my confidence in my creativity and gave me a permanent smile to know it was appreciated by others. After every nice remark, I heard a soft whisper of my other half's voice saying "I told you that you are talented. Now believe it." Words I will never forget.

The day was a huge success. I have networked, developed admirers of my painting, and learned more lessons about my target customers than I ever thought possible. This fair was a beautiful lesson learned.
Toy Chest SOLD


Raquets, Globe, Briefcase SOLD



Antique scales and these 2 pieces of furniture are still for sale. (Is it sick that I secretly wanted to keep the blue shelving unit for myself?)

Feeling Blessed.
I create because you believe in me. Thank you.

Partying over at The Dedicated House, Not Just a Housewife, & Miss Mustard Seed


  1. That's fabulous Alison! I'm so happy for you!! Your pieces are lovely AND practical, so I'm not surprised. Now you need to get busy creating more things and taking your show on the road!

  2. Thank you Doreen! I think you are right :)
