
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

10 Minute Lamp Makeover for $2

Rise & Shine! Time for a ten minute makeover that made a big difference in my bedroom.
I purchased two of these lamps one year ago from Christmas Tree Shop. They were a great deal at $34.99 each and knew over time I would find a way to add some detail to make them a little less boring.
I came across this great burlap ribbon in Michael's craft store and got to thinking of where I could use it.
The lamps were the perfect spot in need of some detail. One roll of the burlap did the trick for the bottom trip of the lampshade. I love the age it added to the boring 'ol shade and this project only cost $2!!


As the day progressed and the natural sunlight comes through the window.....

Happy Day.

1 comment:

  1. Proof yet again it's the little things that make the most difference!
