
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thinking Outside the Christmas Tree Stand

I know, Christmas is gone, but this weather still feels like Christmas!!!!!

Living in an apartment forces you to think out of the norm. You are challenged with smaller space, which leads to less room for storing crazy amounts of holiday decorations. This year was the first year in a few that I decided to decorate for Christmas. I was finally feeling the holiday spirit, was excited to give some special gifts, and was slowly ready to hop on the holiday wagon.

I started with buying this mini tree at Whole Foods. The size was perfect for my home and knew that I had a great idea for the tree holder.

My vintage plant holder made the perfect tree stand. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of it fully decorated but I just loved the simplicity of the tree and the uniqueness of the "tree stand".

Merry Belated Christmas :)


  1. Who says a fir tree can only be for Christmas. I love the container for your tree.
