
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thinking Outside the Christmas Tree Stand

I know, Christmas is gone, but this weather still feels like Christmas!!!!!

Living in an apartment forces you to think out of the norm. You are challenged with smaller space, which leads to less room for storing crazy amounts of holiday decorations. This year was the first year in a few that I decided to decorate for Christmas. I was finally feeling the holiday spirit, was excited to give some special gifts, and was slowly ready to hop on the holiday wagon.

I started with buying this mini tree at Whole Foods. The size was perfect for my home and knew that I had a great idea for the tree holder.

My vintage plant holder made the perfect tree stand. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of it fully decorated but I just loved the simplicity of the tree and the uniqueness of the "tree stand".

Merry Belated Christmas :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

One of my favorite things: MacKenzie-Childs Teapot

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year is from my mother. I had always admired MacKenzie Childs' designs, but the Aurora collection just stole my heart :)
I just adored this teapot and could not wait to use it when I got home Christmas day. Why does boiling water taste better from a pretty teapot?!

Enjoy this Sunday.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Another Ann Sloan and MMS Makeover

Happy Saturday!

The sun is finally shining and there are a million projects I want to share with you...but let's start with my fave.

This "piece of goodness" was found on the side of the room. It was originally painted with a fire engine red color and nails sticking out of it every which way. I really liked the way it looked being red, but definitely too dangerous with all the nails and the chippy paint. So, I got to work. I first painted it white, but did not like the way it came out. So I was able to use my grandfather's old sander and was ready to try a new/old color of Ann Sloan's Paint that I have used on a previous shelf project.
A little sanding, removal of nails, and some good paint, did this little table good!


AFTER: Distressed the table with MMS Antiquing Wax that I just love!

Enjoy the weekend :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Best Yard Sale Find Ever

Once again, a friend had my back. The best phone call I can receive over the summer is....Hey, I am at a yard sale and see something you may be interested in. I LOVE THOSE CALLS! Of course I am going to say buy it!!
So, here it is, the best yard sale find that my girlfriend brought home from South Jersey. I believe she said she paid less than $5 and eventually even gifted this beautiful creature to me :)
I fill it with different color pillars and just wonder the story behind this pretty piece.

Love the way it looks at night :)

Happy Thrifting!

Monday, February 10, 2014

DIY Graduation Party Centerpieces

Happy Almost Tuesday!:)

I have been so excited thinking about sharing these DIY centerpieces with you. Most of you know from previous posts that I graduated college with a BA degree in December. This was one of my most important accomplishments in my life so far, but also an excuse to throw a party!

It was more important to me to spend most of the budget on the entertainment, so I put my DIY hat on and went to work on the centerpieces.

I worked with what I had....

With the party being in December, I had tons of extra Christmas ornaments. I loved the vibrant colors and knew they would look pretty awesome when the lights of the room shined on them.

I purchased the flowers from a local supermarket and cut them all myself. All the flowers cost $40 total. I only purchased the black glitter graduation hats from Party City.


Wa...La! (Sorry for the clarity of the picture...this was the best I could do from my phone :) )
Happy DIY-ing!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

My favorite Corner

I am back and ready to blog!!! It is crazy how time can get in the way of creativity. I woke up today with tons of decorating ideas and some good projects in mind that I am ready to tackle! I have so much to share with you, but want to start with showing you my favorite corner of my "home." I live for a deep red rose, I breathe for an old torn book, and just adore a great wood frame. So there you have favorite corner. The place where I rest my coffee in the morning and just enjoy this small part of my living room.
Happy Weekend!