
Monday, June 3, 2013

$3 DIY Sweet Pea Foot Stool

Happy Monday! I just love living in a building where everyone throws their garbage out in the same place because you never know what you will find! I found four white furniture legs that I knew I could make something with. After purchasing the tufted chase...I realized that I did not have a small table to put my coffee on when sitting on it. This created the idea of a foot stool. This sweet pea green color is my new fav and love how the final product came out. Works perfect and only cost me $3!

I bought the wood piece from Michaels.
I took scotch tape and marked the stripes.
I used a hair color paint brush...only cause I had one laying around : )

I glued the legs on with wood glue and tada!
Only $3!
Enjoy the day.
Partying over at Jennifer Rizzo

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