
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Brimfield purchases: Part 1

Good morning! Happy post Memorial Day! I have so many exciting things to share...with Brimfield being the best part : ) There is nothing that makes me happier than miles of tents filled with junk and antiques. I venture out with my besties twice a year and take on the challenge of looking through all the pretty things and finding a good bargain to take home. I have a new obsession with beat up old leathered goods...especially luggage. You would thing I was moving across seas with all the luggage I purchased..but I just love them to add to my collection.

Love how every piece I own has initials on it. Some would hate this, but I love the history.

Look what I found inside! A business card from 1868!

This antique perfume bottle was also in the luggage. I wonder the story behind it.
Enjoy the day!

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