
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Brimfield Purchases : Part 3

The finale! These small pieces of silver and the old medicine bottle just add a tremendous amount of character to my antiqued wood cabinet. I bought each one for $2 each! They were so dirty when I purchased them. I wanted to go get silver polish, but I tried nail polish remover first..and they came out so shiny and awesome! They make excellent bud vases too!

Before : Dirty

After: Clean

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Brimfield Purchases: Part 2

I think my new obsession is old leather. : )
I seem to not have enough of it! My boot collection is adding up and this may be a new love that I will never get tired of. I plan on wearing leather throughout the summer....especially these boots I got at Brimfield. I wonder what the history is of the man that previously owned them....

Cottage Love in Martha's Vineyard

I was lucky enough to recently get to have a night in Martha's Vineyard...after we tackled the Brimfield fair. MV is absolutely beautiful and already thinking of when I can spend a full vacation there. My favorite part of the day was dreaming about how I can build a house that looks like these cottages! Soooooo adorable!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Brimfield purchases: Part 1

Good morning! Happy post Memorial Day! I have so many exciting things to share...with Brimfield being the best part : ) There is nothing that makes me happier than miles of tents filled with junk and antiques. I venture out with my besties twice a year and take on the challenge of looking through all the pretty things and finding a good bargain to take home. I have a new obsession with beat up old leathered goods...especially luggage. You would thing I was moving across seas with all the luggage I purchased..but I just love them to add to my collection.

Love how every piece I own has initials on it. Some would hate this, but I love the history.

Look what I found inside! A business card from 1868!

This antique perfume bottle was also in the luggage. I wonder the story behind it.
Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Obsessed in Arizona

Hi all! I have so many exciting things to share, but will start out the week with my previous Arizona trip. Not only was it filled with love and good family time, but of course I could not resist looking at all the lovely homes. Arizona homes are drastically different than what I am used to in NJ. They all look the same and wonder if I am gonna ever learn which house belongs to my family : ) However, me and my cousin took part in a 5k and could not believe some of the houses we came across. Stunning! Each home had its own unique qualities. I just fell in love with the swing in the front yard!
This was my fav! Just beautiful.

Love this swing!

The landscaping was perfection!