
Monday, April 8, 2013 online order ever!

It is not often that I write about anything negative, but have to let the word out about this company.
I posted the blog post "Bringing Sexy Back" a few months ago showing a white velvet tufted chaise I ordered for myself. I was so excited for it to come, until it was back ordered so many times, I forgot about it. I decided it would be best to get a whole new sofa, instead of the chaise, and decided to cancel my chaise order with I called and the woman gladly cancelled my order. Two weeks later, I get another email saying that the chaise was still back ordered, which shows me the order was never canceled. Call number 2 to cancel the order again......woman said sure and I requested that an email be sent to me with the order being canceled. That never happened. A week later, I get an email saying my chaise has been shipped. This nightmare continued on and on for weeks and the order showed up to the lobby of my apartment building. I not only went through all of this, but was then told that I was not allowed to return my order because it was custom. Lets think about this...if it was custom, why was it back ordered? Not only was it custom, I am now out of $500. This story continues, but honestly, you could not pay me to buy from this company again. I assembled the piece myself and now will make it my "blogging thrown" but think before u purchase from!
Now I said my peace : )

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