
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Par-tay inspiration!!!!

With a party in mind, I wanted to get some ideas for inspiration for the feel of the night. These pics are exactly the vibe I am looking for.
christmas tree display
Yes, it is almost that time!
Who doesn't love a cold cocktail : )
or a candy bar?
table cloths with lights underneath-- great night time party idea :)
There is something sweet and innocent about white..
Hydrangeas and cranberries make a pretty centerpiece at christmas.
A dash of Christmas
and Rustic.....
Party dress #sparkle #dress
The most important part.....a statement dress!!!!
The inspiration is endless! Can't wait for the festivities!
Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Dash of Christmas photo and that dress is to die for.
