
Friday, January 30, 2015

Starting Fresh in NY

A friend once told me..."There is no better feeling than being a New Yorker."

I didn't get it. What was so special about living in New York?

I lived in New Jersey for the past twenty years and did not understand how a "New Yorker" could have such adoration for their home state that rested only twenty minutes from where I resided. I slowly learned what my friend was talking about.

In 2013, I was faced with some "life changes" that forced me to begin looking for my first apartment. I was young, scared, and worried about how I was going to pay my rent and bills, but I was never so ready for the challenge. I wanted to leave my New Jersey past behind and begin my this new chapter of my life as a "New Yorker".

Apartment/House hunting can be a complete headache! I was strapped for time with a busy lifestyle and my apartment hunting was solely done online. How was I going to find a trustworthy real estate agent? Will the apartment look the same in person as it did online? Hundreds of questions started taking over my mind. I look back now and wish I had known about Compass. Compass is a well organized website that is full of New York City neighborhood knowledge (click HERE for Compass neighborhood guide). The website's clean lined silhouette allows for an easy visual and feel for what each neighborhood has to offer. Compass would have helped lessen my anxiety about all that I did NOT know about New York, plus their photos are fantastic!

Moving from a decently large home in New Jersey to a small apartment in New York brought about some spatial challenges. I had so many "things" that I wanted to bring with me, but no place to put it! I had to get creative. I was forced to think "outside of the box". I found storage solutions in the most random places, but it worked. I re-purposed items so my belongings would have more than one function. My home décor became more than just a pretty piece to fancy up my new place....and I loved it. I loved every square inch of my new home and it brought out my creative side!

I now know what being a "New Yorker" feels like. The adventure that lies around me is exhilarating. The history that remains in every building one walks past is astonishing and the feeling of "home" has never felt so right.

 I am so thrilled to be able to share this new chapter in New York with my new husband and precious baby girl.

Here are some solutions for decorating in small space living:

The kitchen table also functioned as a desk.

Baskets are a great way to store blankets and dog leashes :)

Apartment living rarely allows for a yard so get creative with displaying flowers and plants.

I use old luggage as seasonal clothing storage and as a great side table!

Vintage cups work great for office supplies!

Happy Day!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Glamour Organization

Part of my New Year's resolution (as I am sure many of you feel the same way) is to get organized! I feel that the past year has been taken over by so many wonderful life changes, but has left our physical world around us in unorganized chaos. A baby brings many new items to your home and leaves you with little time to organize your own belongings. So....with the hour that my princess gets her beauty rest, I get to some beauty organization. I'm going to call it Glamour Organization.

I have organization ADD, just as bad as I have decorating ADD. When I think of where to begin, I jump from room to room and closet to closet and unable to focus on one area at a time. I thought it would be best to categorize my organization strategy. I began with my earrings that I wear on a daily basis. I purchased this old worn bowl from Brimfield Flea Market years ago. I found it hiding in my closet and I thought it would be the perfect size to hold my earrings and wedding rings.

Next, I turned to my sunglass collection. Do you think I have a problem here??? I have about 5 more pairs in my car! This glass box used to house my jewelry and now the perfect space for my shades.

The next organization project was my baby Brie's headbands. I found that by the end of the week, there were headbands every drawer, on the floor, and tangled in a ball. I had another jewelry holder that would be perfect for her room. Here is how the headband arrangement turned out.

Here is some Glamour Organization  at its best...or at least my best :)
Next category is my paint/paintbrushes organization! I found these glass jars in our storage closet and have the perfect pile of mess to organize with these gems.

I have the itch to tackle a really great piece of furniture with some new MMS milk paint. I think some organization will give me some great motivation.
Enjoy this day.

Partying over at The Dedicated House & The Scoop: Cedar Hill Farmhouse

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Living Room Makeover: A Peg Board with a Story

Happy 2015!!! I may be a little late but I have a good excuse being a new Mommy of a 2 month year old. : ) Our hearts are filled with joy and a new type of love this year with our new little one but I will save that for another post ; )

I have had enough sleep to get my creative itch back! I'm so ready to take on our home with new projects and style in 2015. I started with a small makeover in our living room as my first project. I wanted to stick with a neutral color palette with a splash of green for a hint of color. I love green and could have it in every room, but really enjoy it in the living room since that is where we spend most of our time.

When I start to think about projects, I overwhelm my brain. I start writing the list of shopping items to buy, the old items I need to look for at a thrift store, and the pieces of furniture I can give a quick makeover....but this chaotic mind is not my reality anymore after having a baby. Getting the store in this freezing cold weather with a tiny infant is not a smart choice for our family, so I decided to shop my closet. Once I opened the door to shelves of stored vintage items and décor, I was smacked in the face with the most perfect item to begin the living room makeover. A peg board. It was not JUST a peg board, but my Poppa's peg board. A board that was once filled with beat up old tools that were used every day by a talented skilled carpenter who happened to be my grandfather.

Poppa lived to work. His creativity was seen in many of his projects he tackled and loved to tell stories of all his accomplishments. I think I was lucky to get a portion of his "creativity gene." After Poppa passed away, I wanted a piece of him with me. I wanted a small item from his workshop that would remind me of him at every glance. The peg board where his tools hung stood out to me. I knew I can come up with somewhere in our apartment to incorporate this special piece.

The color was perfect for the living room. The rough texture, the perfect imperfections, and the white splash of paint (done by Poppa) is the perfect arrangement for the focal point of our living room. The room is coming together slowly, but I am happy with the way it is unfolding.

Stay tuned for the completion of the room (is it every really completed?) Thank you for letting me share my story of Poppa with you.

Cheers to a year full of inspiration and memories!

**You can find our BEFORE pictures of the living room HERE