
Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's all in the details

This week is finally over! Hope your week was better than mine : )
When I first walked into my building, the details in the structure took my breathe away! I love the old character and charm that my little apartment carries. Here is just a few details that just make me smile.
Loving these knobs. They are original with the building but very hard to photograph.

Door to nowhere..

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ready for Spring!

Hi everyone! Hope you are having a great week! I am soooooo looking forward to Spring and my latest obsession is playing with flowers. Flowers make me think of Spring and i have been surrounding myself with them every week. There is something beautiful and elegant about a I wanted to share the latest flowers hanging around my apartment.  :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

New Ruffled Curtains

Happy Monday! I finally had the time to do a few small projects over the weekend and can't wait to share them with you. My first project was to get some curtains hung up in the living room. I adore the natural sunlight that comes in so I did not want to interrupt that. I found these ruffled curtains for $25 a panel and could not resist! Love how the sun still shines through.

The lights are out and the sun still shines through : )

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Headboard Makeover

This may be the winner for thrifty DIYs of Soiledrotten! : )
When I moved into my new place a few months ago, I had no choice but to bring this ugly black bed with me. I knew it would be the only bed I owned that would fit though the narrow doorways in my building. For months, I draped a faux fur pillow over the headboard to hide the ugly black slits that the bed has. Last week, right before I went to bed, I had an idea. (Th ideas often come before or after bed) I had an egg crate on the bed to make it extra comfy, but I could do without. I decided to cut the egg crate to the size if the ugly black slits and then go shopping. I wanted to pick some sort of fabric that would match the toile curtains. I came across a gorgeous bath towel in Target and figured "why not?" I attached the towel to the egg crate and this is the final product.

Friday, February 22, 2013

William Sonoma Napkin Art

Think I died and went to egg heaven!
There is something about Spring and Easter that makes me happy and ready to decorate! I came across these two napkins at William Sonoma last week and knew they would make perfect art for my bedroom. The two ladies behind the register said they were going to do this project themselves! Love it!
$19 for two napkins. Only used one for this project.
I did not cut the napkin just in case I want to use them in the kitchen one day.

An old frame just hanging around

Love the colors. Next, just have to hang it up. : )

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Another thrifty idea for $3

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday!
It has been a little since I have been able to post, but wanted to share this project with you....before I get back to the busy school schedule.
I found a similar idea on Pinterest a long time ago, but could not wait to actually do the craft.
Remember that toddler sweater I purchased several weeks back at Goodwill?
Here it is...

Next, I purchased a box of candles from Michael's craft store.

Third, I cut the sleeve off the sweater with a pair of scissors. I chose to purchase a toddler sweater because the sleeves were small and can fit around the diameter of the candle. I glued the loose edges to the bottom of the candle and tada! Adds a cozy feature to the candle : )
This project added up to a whopping $3! Love it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bringing sexy back

Good morning! Praying that we get some snow tonight so school will be canceled, so keep your fingers crossed for me! : )
You know by now I'm obsessed with making things and getting thrifty. I am not one to spend a lot of money when it comes to myself......but there was no way I was passing this deal up! After moving, I noticed I did not bring enough seating with me. I have been wanting something that allowed me to read and relax and watch a movie. After a few hours of looking online, I found it! I fell in love and hopefully will be delivered soon.
White velvet is my favorite Valentine this year : )

Monday, February 11, 2013

Just stopping in

Hi everyone. Hope you had a great weekend! I am so excited to share some new ventures with you. Just waiting for some pics and info. So stay tuned. In the mean time, I wanted to share a pic I took on my Sunday morning walk. Have a nice evening!

Friday, February 8, 2013

A Snowy Day

Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop in and say "be safe" for all of you who are experiencing the storm. For me, this is a time when I love to take pictures. The snow is too pretty for words.
Please be safe!

Look who beautiful the roses look now! (from two posts back) 
Have a great Friday evening.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My best thrift find ever!

Yup! I said it! Best thrift store find ever! I had my eye on this cowhide rug for a long time, but was not going to pay a few hundred dollars for it when I can buy one new for that price. So, I waited patiently and stayed away from shopping at that store for a bit.....until I could not wait any longer. I walked in the store and the rug was still there waiting for me to buy it. After twenty minutes, I bargained the rug down to $125 and did nothing but smile the whole way home! Here is what it looks like in the living room:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thrifty Art for $4

It seems as though each project I'm doing....I like better than the last. I'm having a blast letting my creative mind get to work. This project began when I found the ribbon at the dollar store and knew I could make something cute with it. Next, I found two frames for $1 each at Goodwill and started to think of some ideas. I also found the book with the frames. I was totally attracted to the black and white print and graphics in the book. So, with the ribbon, frames, and book in hand, this is what I came up with:

When you are having a bad day....get creative.

Happy Tuesday! I decided to do a small project today after school to brighten up my day...and it sure worked! Here is what I started with.
Andre's food can. I soaked the wrapper off with water and washed it.

Next, I bought patterned masking tape a while back. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it, but I liked it.

I wrapped the can with the tape and so happy with the results.

How pretty! Actually going to do something like this for the cocktail party this weekend! The best part is the eucalyptus! Smells my whole place up. Love it

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feeling the love

Hi everyone! I'm trying to get back into feeling the holiday thing so here is my attempt. I found these awesome burlap pink hearts at AC Moore.

I had some cute pink ribbon left from another project, so I tied two pieces together.

And tada!!!!! Cute and festive. I def learned to never buy holiday items unless the can be used elsewhere year round. I already have another project in mind for these hearts : )

Sunday, February 3, 2013

From Queens to NJ to....Goodwill!

Happy Superbowl! I just wanted to drop in and share the thrifty finds I bought over the weekend. I already did several projects with them that I will share this week! Spent a total of $7.62 and had more fun than any $100 purchase I made.(except for the cowhide rug I bought today......stay tuned)

A Vintage Vibe

Not only am I obsessed with vintage in the home, but I love a good vintage piece of clothing. I found this shirt a year ago and only wore it once. I remembered I had a pair of fun earrings that would spice up the shirt, so I took a fashion risk and it worked! Fun outfit for a first birthday party!
Love the mint color.

I just had to make the picture go with the vintage feel : )
Happy Superbowl Sunday!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

DIY Candleholders are Up!

Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I had twenty minutes to myself this morning, so I finally hung my candleholders I made from old wood banisters.
They were originally black. Painted them white and lived the way it came out.

Glued a mount to it and screwed a hanger mount on the tops of the backs if the railing.
No candles on them yet but you get the idea! Xo.