
Friday, August 31, 2012

Thrifty Thursday!!!

Oops I did it again! lol
Four pairs of designer pants for $30!!!!!! I am obsessed. Hard to tell how cute they are from the pics but I had to throw a label shot in there. The J. Crew pants alone would have cost me a fortune in the past. I will never buy full retail price again!!!!!!!Happy Labor Day Weekend!!!!!
Thrifty Thursday!

Club Monaco Baby!!!!They fit so nice!

The label doesn't lie!!!! : )

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Farm Animal Obsession

Some of my favorite things that I own in my home are related to farm animals. I am not sure where this weird obsession came from, but something about them just makes me happy. Here are a few of my favorite farm things : )
Momma Pig with Baby Pig :)

Into the bug thing

When pigs fly...


One of my most special pieces. It belonged to someone who passed that is so dear in my heart.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Old Books Just Add Charm to Anything

Look using old books and items with history to just add charm to a room. An old book and a dollar store candle older can just bring a smile to your face : )
Loving the hint of lavender with the pumpkin orange :)
Happy Wednesday!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Backyard Favs!

I wanted to share a few of my favorite things in my backyard before the summer ends. You can already see some of the leaves on the ground in the background of some of the pictures. I can't wait for Fall....but I do not want the summer to leave.
White rustic table with a jewelry holder on top, which I use as a bird bath. 

Loving this lavender color

Nothing like adding a little charm to the backyard steps : )

Saturday, August 25, 2012

HAND-PICKED military trunk

This is one of my all time favorite picks!!! It is an old military trunk that is so beat up and full of character. It even has the name of the soldier on the inside of the trunk. Items like this have such a past that you wonder where this trunk was before I found it on the curb. Happy Saturday!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

aN unVEILING DiSplay

Happy Thursday Everyone! Sometimes we have things that are so beautiful and full of memories that why would we want to keep them thrown in a closet or in a box somewhere? My wedding veil was to beautiful to  keep hidden so I decided to use it as decor for the top of one of my favorite pieces of furniture. Wood alone can sometimes be too harsh, so there is nothing that a little lace can't make perfect : )
Lace is just lovely. The old books were my Mother's and I love the character in how they are "beat up."
Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Free Vintage Music Sheet Download

Lately, I have been seeing a lot of music sheets used as home decor. I think this whole idea brings so much character into any room. I googled "free vintage music download" and a bunch of options came up. I printed the sheet off the screen, used matting for neatness, and threw it into a frame I already had. Here is the final product!

: )
Fits right by the fireplace. Happy Wednesday!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2 4 Tuesday! Old Bunny Cage Reno

Hey Everyone! I found this awesome bunny cage on the side of the road and knew it had the rustic look that can be exaggerated in a mini makeover. I took the old cage and turned it into a piece of art for our dining room. What do you think?

(I hung the picture by a nail and the silver latch that you can see better in the "Before" pic. I hung the wreath ,that I got from clearance at Homegoods for $7, by a metal bendable hook)


I could not even breathe after all the good deals I got after thrifting yesterday!!!!! All of this fabulousness for $30!!! The far....are the best purchase of the day!
These leave me speechless : )

Planning on cutting these jeans project.
Over-sized Flannel with cuffed sleeves. Just need a chunky belt and some boots!  $3.99.....score!!!!

I have this same platter for $30. I found this for $3.99. Can never have too many platters!

Monday, August 20, 2012


The finale detail to the ladder (above) is now finished! I have this in my bedroom and every time I look at needed some more detail. So I put my mind to work and thought to add some vintage number labels to a few of the steps. Here is the verdict....

I printed these numbers out from a free vintage label site online. (If you just Google "free vintage number labels" ...they come up)
I held the printed paper over poster board and cut each label out.

I glued the poster board and the label together and punched a whole through the top. Tied yarn around the step and tied a little bow to hold the label in place. 

Love the way it came out! A little detail goes a long way. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cheap is always good!

Good Morning! I have come across this website that I found to be extremely useful and amazing! The site gives amazing tips on how to save money on "everyday life." I do not have kids myself, but the everyday household tips seem very useful! I def. can't wait to try some of these ideas to see if they really make an impact on our bills. Thought you can all find this website useful! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Well hello Saturday Morning.....

I have been so blessed in my  life to see some amazing concerts with amazing experiences! The memories, especially with my Mom, are endless and thought I should share one of my most favorite nights with the loves of our lives....Bon Jovi!! This post may have nothing to do with re-purposing...but who wouldn't want to see this piece of art on a Saturday Morning!!! Music inspires and moves me in a way that my passion for decorating here is a little country with a little rock-n-roll : ) Happy Saturday!

Me and Mom (in my blonder days)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Soiled Ladder "Pick-me-up"

I found this ladder in the trash last summer and been thinking about what to do with it. I loved the blue spray paint I used on the decorative bowl a few posts back and planned on using it on the ladder. I still want to add vintage numbers to the steps, but here is the before and after of the "pick-me-up."
After : I want to add the vintage numbers today. Will keep you posted : )

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 4 Tuesday: PINTEREST CHALLENGE #2!!!!!!

This is by far the best project yet!!!!!!!I have seen black and white striped DIY curtains on Pinterest and wanted to see if I can do something similar and still beat the price!
DIY Curtain makeover
 I believe these were the curtains made from a tablecloth from Walmart for $6.99 each.


I used hem tape to fold the top of the sheet over and iron so it would make a pocket for the rod to fit. I did not hem the bottoms because I have a thing for draping and knew I would just put them to the side of the window.

Purchased two rods at Lowe's for $3 each and used the screw in hooks that I used for the window planter a few posts back. 

: )

Nothing Spray Paint Can't Make Better

A few weekends back, I had a garage sale with some other ladies that turned out to be a big hit. I could not help but look at this bowl, that did not belong to me, and think about how great it would look with some spray paint to bring out the carved details. So, thankfully it was not sold and it ended up in my house : )

AFTER: Loving the color!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Trays r up

Over the weekend, I hung the silver trays that I bought from goodwill. They look great but must go get more today to add to the height!
Before they were hung

Used double-sided mounting tape to hang them. Can't wait to add more!
Happy Monday!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Caged In

This birdcage was given to me by my Grandmother. (who had said it was left to her from her Father) I have a crazy obsession with birds (not sure why) this birdcage just fit our home perfectly! I decided to add a few plants and some rustic accessories and this is how it came out..
Makes a perfect centerpiece in the living room : )

Enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Antique Bar Cart Makeover: It's 5:00 somewhere!

It's 5:00 somewhere!!! This antique bar cart was purchased in Worcester, MA on a visit to my favorite girlies. I loved it so much and knew it was going home with me no matter what. I have had it for a few months now and after several parties, the lil thing got a lil beat up. This rainy day was the perfect time for a small pick me up for the cart.


After all the stuff was removed and ready for a makeover!

New cheese knives!!!

Wa La! Perfect way to start the weekend!

And how can I forget this tiny rooster jar for cut up limes! Love it.

Frames, Candlelight, & Boxes...Oh My!

It is the smaller things in life that just make me happy...and this purchase was one of them! I am still searching for the right pic for the frame, but this color combo, I just LOVE! The whole purchase was a steal for $20! I can't wait to match some more things in the living room with this color combo. : )
Happy Friday!